Monday, March 10, 2008

Another blog about Sprouts

HolisticAchieving Homeostasis With The Help Of Vitamins

We all know that vitamins and minerals are compounds necessary in small quantities for the normal functioning of the human body. They are essential for all of us if we want to live a health life. Most vitamins are obtained from our foods, but most of us don't eat a perfect diet. If that sounds like you, you should consider vitamin supplements. And if you are considering homeopathy, a good vitamin plan should be an ongoing part of your life. More information on vitamins can be found at

When you are not well, your body shows symptoms of your sickness. This is how we know that the body has recognized that something is wrong and is trying to fix itself. Or, to put it plainly, your body is striving to achieve what is called "homeostasis".

Homeopathy is a natural approach to your health that works without the side effects that you can get from some forms of traditional, Western medicine. In other words, homeopathy gently urges your body to heal itself. But a word of caution: the body needs certain nutrients. That's why a good vitamin and mineral plan should be part of your everyday regimen.

Homeostasis is the another word for the body keeping itself in balance. We all have this "natural regulator" in our body whose sole job is to maintain the body and it's components, (organs, joints, bones, etc) so that everything is working together. But, if you're sick and the body is trying to heal itself it may lack the necessary nutrients to do so. That's where vitamins and diet enter the picture. Vitamins and minerals are very essential for all of us, especially if you're are trying to facilitate homeostasis.

Homeopathy is different from conventional medicine in that conventional medicine considers us to be healthy if we lack symptoms. But if we do have symptoms, for example a runny nose and we go to the doctor and he gives you some drugs which dry up your nose, you're considered healthy. Homeopathy, on the other hand, defines health as lack of disease. In other words, if you get rid of the source of the runny nose, you are well. Big difference. Just because you're nose isn't running doesn't mean the source is not still there. did you ever have a cold that went "away" for a few days and then came back? That's an example of your body not being in a state of homeostasis.

If you eat a healthy diet, do you need to take vitamins? Well, maybe not. But, are you really eating a healthy diet? Most people do not. Good nutrition is vital to health and to maintaining homeostasis. Do you need a vitamin program to achieve homeostasis? We recommend doing your research and discuss your situation with a health professional who is knowledgeable about diet and vitamins and the effects on your body.

In the meantime, live healthy!

About the Author:

Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of good health and nutrition and writes for, which is the premier vitamin resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at

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