Monday, September 15, 2008

More Great General Health Resources.

News on Chlorella TabletsAstragalus Powder

If you never wondered or cared much about the pollution around us, it's time to change your views and start paying attention to this problem. For decades, scientists have been studying the pollutants in our air, water, food, and soil. U.S. industries manufacture over 6 trillion pounds of 9,000 different chemicals a year. They dump billions of pounds of industrial chemicals into our air and water year after year. So now scientists have started to examine pollution levels in humans and their findings are deeply disturbing. Research clearly proves that our bodies are not capable of eliminating all the different toxins and chemicals we inhale and ingest every day. They simply accumulate in our cells (especially fat cells), tissues, blood, organs (such as the colon, liver and brain) and remain stored for an indefinite length of time causing all kinds of health problems.
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Astragalus Powder

Bee Pollen

Vitamin E, or tocopherol, is an anti-oxidant that prevents the fats and fat-soluble Vitamin A stored in the body from breaking down and combining with other substances that may be harmful to the body. It also protects red blood cells from rupturing.

Zinc is required for the production of both RNA and DNA, the basic building blocks of the body. It assists the body in making the 200+ enzymes and is essential in the development and continuous normal functioning of the central nervous system. Zinc also plays a role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Magnesium is essential for every major biological process. It is necessary for 300+ enzymatic reactions and is vital for calcium metabolism. Magnesium is not a trace mineral, but a major entity in our bodies.
View this websit fo...
Bee Pollen

Sore Throat

A very simple and effective arthritis treatment method is using heat as well as cold in different situations to get relief from the stiffness and pain in your joints. For heat treatment, using hot water bottles or a hot water pack and even a heat lamp over the exact spot where the pain is occurring will get you relief. A electric blanket,warm shower and even bathe will relieve you off your morning stiffness and start a new day on a more positive note.
Visit this site for more News on...
Sore Throat

Chlorella TabletsLive Well With Green Foods

Sun, 30 Sep 2007 22:32:23 EDT
We have always heard that we need to eat our greens, but we are just now discovering how vital the health benefits of green foods are to our living well. Naturopaths have recommended the use of green...

Tina Marie takes Chlorella daily - how much and why?

Mon, 25 Aug 2008 14:29:18 EDT
... com/tinamarie) What are the benefits of Chlorella? How much do I take? and can too much hurt me? ... There are 1000 tablets in a bag and it will last you about 40 days. Great for the upcoming winter months....I went to my pantry and grabbed my trusty bag of Chlorella Tablets** and began downing 20 - 30 a day. (**only $28. 99 on my raw food store at http://www. rawteacher....

Source Naturals Creatine 1000 mg 50 tabs Review and News

Thu, 07 Aug 2008 05:38:11 EDT
Source Naturals ENADA NADH, 5. 0 mg 30 Tablets Ship FREE ... Source Naturals Chlorella (Yaeyama), SHIP FREE...

Do you take any green tablets!

Sat, 26 Jul 2008 17:22:46 EDT
Recently I was sent some Sun Chlorella to trial....

General HealthDiets Work - Good News or Bad?

Dieting works. The truth is that controlling the amount and or type of food consumed does often lead to weight loss. So in essence dieting works?it leads to weight loss.

It does not seem to matter much which diet is chosen. And there is a huge array of diets to choose from. What matters is that you stick to the restrictions of the diet. If you stick to the diet, chances are good that you will lose weight.

It is also true, more 90% of the time, dieters find the excess weight quickly returns once they stop dieting. This is not particularly good news.

Who wants to be on a never-ending diet? Most people end up feeling deprived in one way or another. Either they cannot have the foods they crave and love, or they cannot eat when or how much they want. It is these feelings of being restricted and deprived that lead many to abandon their diets.

When it comes to eating habits, people are reluctant to change. They may realize that they are eating too much or eating the wrong foods, but they procrastinate doing anything about it. Their motto is tomorrow I will start eating better and taking care of myself.

Until suddenly it is only three months or worse yet one month until the wedding, reunion, or other event that they want to look fabulous for. Now they are susceptible to those fads and gimmicks that promise fast weight loss. And at times they will even succeed in losing weight for the event.

But looking good for that special day comes at a cost. Dieting can lead to a preoccupation with food. Feelings of being deprived can lead to binge eating. If your caloric intake is too low, your body will react by slowing your metabolism.

The cost is paid once the diet is over. Most dieters find, once they stop dieting, that they gain weight faster and easier than ever before. When you factor in multiple bouts of dieting you end up with an extremely frustrating cycle of weight loss and weight gain.

The real good news is that there is a way off the loss-gain roller coaster. There is a way to lose weight without the subsequent weight gain.

Even better, it is painless and does not require a great deal of time or money. What works most successfully for long-term weight loss, is resolving the issues that lead to struggles with weight in the first place.

Once these issues are resolved there is the hope of enjoying food for nourishment and pleasure, without using food to fill some void or satisfy emotional needs or cravings.

In the end even though dieting works; it is not worth the price it extracts from the dieter once the diet is over.

Susan Derry

Professional Counselor and Life Coach



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