Saturday, October 11, 2008

Another blog about Organic Fertiliser

Organic Fertiliser NewsSuperfood Range Trade Enquiries

This is a form of aerobic exercise consisting of rapid walking accompanied by vigorous, controlled swinging of the arms. Simply put, it is an exaggerated walking style that has more health benefits than just a casual stroll.

You want to get your power walking speed up to 4.0 to 4.5 mph for optimal calorie burning. However, if you are just starting out you may want to go at a slower pace and gradually pick up the pace over a few weeks time.
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Superfood Range Trade Enquiries

Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99

13. When we relax the blood vessels, our blood flows freely to the various parts of our body. We tend to obstruct the free flow of blood through unconscious tensing of the various muscles and also the blood vessels themselves. Relaxation is essential for healthy circulation. Perform �deep relaxation� daily, imagining the blood vessels opening and the blood flowing freely to the parts of the body which have insufficient circulation.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 500g - �17.99


It stands to reason that since chlorophyll is a natural deodorant, that animals that eat grass should have sweet breath. It is implied here that they don't, but being the city girl that I am, I will just have to take others' word for this. However, there was a study done by a veterinarian, Dr. Maurice E. Serling. He gave his canine patients in his veterinary hospital doses of chlorophyll, and banished all halitosis and body odor after six hours! When the tablets were discontinued, the odors resumed, and when they were started again, the odors left again!

There are many benefits of chlorophyll, really too many to list in detail in this article, since it has been used to fight many different diseases, but I hope to give you a basic understanding of a few of its benefits. They are: purification of the blood, liver, constipation and gas corrector, emphysema, abcesses of the liver and kidney, kidney stones, and it has also been shown to be an excellent topical for infections and burns! Chlorophyll contains properties that break down carbon dioxide, and release oxygen, which kills bacteria. It has even been used in deep surgical wounds! Its absence of toxicity, and promotion of repair tissue/skin, and soothing qualities makes it a miracle antiseptic, and it is my belief that if it could be patented, it would be, along with the air we breathe. (Thank goodness that's not so!)
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