Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Superfood Shop Reviews and info

Holistic RemediesOlder Dog Health Concerns

Just like people living longer lives, there are many older dogs living longer lives than their ancestors. Some of the reasons for this are better foods, numerous vaccines against all types of viruses or germs, and much more advanced dog health care. There are also many treatments available for a wide assortment of illnesses that were not possible only a short time ago. Your dog today has a much better chance of making it to his older years, but there are many things to keep in mind when they get there.

An older dog has different nutritional needs than a younger one. There are special foods that cater to an aging canine, providing all the vitamins that their bodies need. You especially want to watch their daily caloric intake as they will be less active than they were when they were younger. This means their metabolism will be lower and they will be prone to gaining weight. Older dogs should not be overweight as it is a big risk on their overall health. Follow the guidelines on the food bag to keep your dog at the ideal weight in their golden years.

An older dog may also experience problems with their hearing and vision, similar to an aging human. It is always smart to take your dog to the veterinarian annually as recommended so these important things can be monitored. Like mentioned before they may also become less active and even develop arthritis. Arthritis makes it painful for them to run around like they used to, and may even make it difficult to do some of the basic things like going to the bathroom. You need to be patient with them and help them through this as it is no fault of their own. Your pet is simply aging like we all do.

One other thing to monitor as your dog become older is to make sure they get the calories they need. While you don't want them to be overweight, you also don't want them to be too skinny. Having dental issues can make it difficult for them to chew their food and cause them to experience a loss of appetite. They also may become depressed and not want to eat if they don't feel well. Speak with your vet if this is the case as you need to make sure your pet is comfortable and getting the proper nutritional intake each day.

As dogs age they have different health needs than they used to. By knowing these and openly discussing them with your veterinarian you can help them stay happy and healthy through their later years. Your dog is a big part of your family. It is your responsibility to keep them healthy throughout their entire lives. With a little awareness you can insure they are as happy as possible even if they are less active.

About the Author

James McDonald writes for discount-dog-products.com where you can find many types of discount dog products for a variety of uses. Plus we have many helpful articles on a variety of topics related to your canine family member.

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