Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Not just A blog about Wildcrafted Goji Berries

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Holistic Healing7 Diet Wreckers You Never Knew Existed

Dieting can be both physically and emotionally stressful. And to add insult to injury, there are many hidden ways you can derail your already uphill diet train. But by avoiding these seven diet wreckers, you can lighten the load and speed up your weight loss.

1. Restaurants - If there is one broken rail on your diet track it's probably restaurants. The calorie and fat loaded menus restaurants offer can tempt even the most strong willed dieter. Even higher class places, as opposed to fast food, can sneak in fattening ingredients.

Arm yourself by cooking more meals at home. You'll not only save money, but you can be sure what's inside. On the other hand, if homemade meals are not an option, select restaurant meals that are lower in fat and sugar. Making wise food choices like this can cut your waistline and still give you that "eating out" experience.

2. Prepackaged Foods - Nothing has done more to pack on pounds than prepackaged foods. Cookies, snack cakes, artificially cheesy chips, and all their deep fried cousins are responsible for most of the fat and sugar we consume. In fact, according to many credible websites, prepackaged foods could be responsible for many obesity related diseases.

Following new research, schools have even begun pulling manufactured snacks from vending machines to cut down on childhood obesity. Take a cue from those in the know and eliminate your snacks. Instead, replace that occasional box of cookies, cakes, and chips with fresh and dried fruits. Avoid even baked snacks - they're still prepackaged. Indulge in a smooth banana or some crisp grapes when you get a sugar tooth.

If it doesn't grow from the ground or a tree, don't snack on it.

3. Huge Dinner Plates - Years ago, prepackaged foods were almost nonexistent and so was the huge dinner plate. Today we eat on plates much larger than people did just a generation or two ago; and it's starting to show up on our waistline.

Most nutritionist agree that eating smaller portions are a great way to lose pounds and maintain a healthy weight. So instead of serving dinner on the standard "dinner plate," choose to put meals on the dessert plate. You'll eat less and still enjoy the foods you love. Just make sure to leave the table before seconds and dump the dessert after dinner.

4. Vacation - Away from home it's easy to forget about your diet. The delicious drinks, the new foods, and the sedentary chill out session can really pack on the weight. For instance, just four days spent away from home could add 5 lbs. to your weight - when it took two weeks to lose.

Keep a little reminder of your diet with you and stick with it! This could be a photo of yourself that looks particularly unpleasant or a note saying, "Check the Scale"; whatever works for you. Just make sure to follow your own advice when faced with fattening foods and drinks. You'll thank yourself when you get home and so will the scale.

5. Missing Meals - So many dieters connect dieting with missing meals. And although you should eat smaller portions, you should never miss a meal. It's important to eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner (for energy), but in smaller portions.

Never combine two meals saying, "I'll make breakfast up at lunch." You'll only end up eating more later and packing on extra pounds. Whenever you deprive your body of a meal, you set yourself up for a future binge session. So eat 3 times a day, but in smaller portions.

6. Soda Pop - Since the malt shop started serving them, 'til the companies began bottling them, soft drinks have added to our waistlines. As terrible as missing a meal, drinking soda is a huge diet wrecker. The calories packed in most pop all but make up for other areas where you could be cutting fat and calories.

To avoid this hidden diet wrecker, drink no calorie diet soda or flavored water instead. Better yet, enjoy sugar and chemical free club soda during your meals and quench your thirst in between with good old tap water.

7. Long Work Hours - A big shocker to most is that work can make you fat. In addition to all the take out foods, soda-pop-filled vending machines, and candy dishes at work, there's the fact that most people spend their days plopped behind a desk. All that sugar and fat and setting around can take it's toll on your diet.

Avoid the vending machines and pack your lunch. You'll not only stop mid-day snack and restaurant eating, but you'll lose weight too. In addition to packing your lunch, take the stairs if your office is located on a higher floor. All that extra exercise will keep your diet moving forward and make up for some time spent behind your desk.

It's so easy to forget about your diet - especially when you're sucked in by a hidden diet wrecker. But now knowing where to find these fat felons, you can avoid them before they wreck your diet.

About the Author

Daryl Bennett is author of "The Best Body Ever" blog at: http://bestbody.50webs.com and also offers a free preview copy of the breakthrough fitness ebook, "The Law Enforcement Workout" on his site.

News on Wildcrafted Goji BerriesEcozone can crusher

Having a vitamin-rich diet is also a more fulfilling way to get healthy because you can enjoy eating at the same time. Vitamin supplements taste bland, and that�s why they often become seen as a tedious task to perform daily. A vitamin-rich diet on the other hand can consist of different dishes everyday depending on your skills and creativity in the kitchen.
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Ecozone can crusher

Saw Palmetto

Many parents do not address this fundamental error in their thinking. Their eight-year-old is 40 pounds overweight, but they continue to buy potato chips and ice cream. Somehow they think this doesn't matter.
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Dietetic Association.

The American Institute for Cancer Research
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Not just A blog about Flaxseed

Health and NutritionTravel Health Insurance: Know Your Coverage Before An Emergency Occurs

Travel Health Insurance: Know Your Coverage Before An Emergency Occurs

 by: News Canada

(NC)Buying travel health insurance is an important step for sufficient medical coverage while outside Canada, but it is only the first step. To make your policy work, say industry regulators, there has to be a co-operative relationship between the policyholder and the company.

Indeed, the range of medical treatment around the world is so broad and varied, home-based insurance companies will provide booklets outlining what they will, and will not cover. Therefore, an equally important step at the time of purchase is for the traveller to become as familiar as possible with the basic guidelines of the policy before an emergency occurs. Decisions on the reimbursement of expenses are not likely to be the first thing on your mind in an urgent situation.

So how do we ensure financial coverage during a medical emergency? Here are a few guidelines offered by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). FSCO is an agency of the Ministry of Finance that regulates Ontario's insurance industry.

Obtain authorization

As soon as possible, says FSCO, call the emergency service centre telephone number provided with your policy. The service centre's role is to manage your medical care and make the claim process fast and efficient. The centre provides claim administrators, on site doctors, nurses and other medical professionals to arrange care and monitor treatment. To ensure coverage, if possible, don't proceed with any medical treatment without full authorization.

You can assist the claims process more efficiently, if you:

Supply all the facts and information accurately.

Keep a log of the contacts at both the service centre and your insurance company, including the names of people assisting you, the date of the contact, and what was discussed.

Keep a detailed record of all medical transactions. Get receipts for the medical care including tests, treatments, and prescriptions. Receipts are a must when making a claim. Also, observe the time limits of your policy.

Complete the forms supplied and enclose all original bills signed by the attending physician, plus receipts and supporting claim documentation. Be sure to include your policy identification number, health card number and date of birth. Keep copies of all documentation submitted to the company.

More information on travel health insurance is available online at www.fsco.gov.on.ca. Or, for a copy of their booklet Shopping for Travel Health Insurance phone (416) 590-7298 (Toll Free: 1-800-668-0128).

- News Canada

Editors, these articles are for use in Ontario only

About The Author

News Canada provides a wide selection of current, ready-to-use copyright free news stories and ideas for Television, Print, Radio, and the Web.

News Canada is a niche service in public relations, offering access to print, radio, television, and now the Internet media, with ready-to-use, editorial "fill" items. Monitoring and analysis are two more of our primary services. The service supplies access to the national media for marketers in the private, the public, and the not-for-profit sectors. Your corporate and product news, consumer tips and information are packaged in a variety of ready-to-use formats and are made available to every Canadian media organization including weekly and daily newspapers, cable and commercial television stations, radio stations, as well as the Web sites Canadians visit most often. Visit News Canada and learn more about the NC services.

Flaxseed DiscussionL'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Adults are in even worse shape with 64 percent not getting enough exercise to maintain healthy heart and lung systems, 24 percent never exercise, and more than 45 percent are overweight.
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L'Equip Model 528 Dehydrator

Guarana Tablets & Powders

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Denis Giannikopoulos - webmaster of http://www.betonlytennis.com
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Guarana Tablets & Powders

Natural Toothbrushes

If you choose a diet that requires perfect eating behavior, you're setting yourself up for failure. And you'll probably beat yourself up when you inevitably cheat - and cheat big.

If you don't set realistic standards for yourself, your kids may think they have to meet impossible standards of perfection, too.
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Natural Toothbrushes

A-to-Z Buyer's Guide - RedOrbit

Tue, 26 Aug 2008 08:34:22 GMT

A-to-Z Buyer's Guide
RedOrbit, TX - 3 hours ago
Flaxseed has been used to relieve constipation for thousands of years, and more recently, science has supported such benefits. ...

Start niacin treatment with low doses and build up tolerance - Tulsa World

Tue, 26 Aug 2008 07:04:00 GMT
Dear Dr. Gott: In a past column, you recommended replacing Lipitor with either omega-3 fish oil capsules or niacin. I have elected to try the niacin. You said to start with 500 ...

Ginseng, flaxseed look promising in initial trial results - Rocky Mountain News

Tue, 05 Aug 2008 00:05:28 GMT

Ginseng, flaxseed look promising in initial trial results
Rocky Mountain News, CO - Aug 4, 2008
By Dr. Weil I heard that flaxseed and ginseng benefit cancer patients. If so, how should they be used? Two studies presented at the 2007 meeting of the ...

Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine - Flaxseed

Fri, 06 Apr 2001 07:00:00 GMT
April 6, 2001 --


Flaxseed (also called linseed) comes from the flax plant (Linum usitatissimum), which belongs to the Linaceae plant...
