Thursday, January 15, 2009

Health and Nutrition discussion


Wallace Wattles is the author of The Science of Being Well. He defines Health as follows: The perfectly natural performance of function constitutes health, and the perfectly natural performance of function results from the natural action of the Principle of Life.

There is a Principle of Life in the universe, and it is the One Living Substance from which all things are made. This Living Substance permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. It is in and through all things. All life comes from it - its life is all the life there is.

A human being is a form of this Living Substance, and has within him a Source of Health, which, when in full constructive activity, causes all the voluntary functions of his life to be perfectly performed. It is the Source of Health in a person which really works all healing, no matter what ?system? or ?remedy? is employed.

I proceed now to prove this last statement. We all know that cures are wrought by all the different, and often opposite, methods employed in the various branches of the healing art. The medical doctor, who gives a strong dose of a counter-poison, cures his patient. And the homeopath, who gives a diminutive dose of the poison most similar to that of the disease, also cures it. If a medical doctor ever cured any given disease, it is certain that homeopathy never cured that disease. And if homeopathy ever cured an ailment, medicine could not possibly cure that ailment.

The two systems are radically opposite in theory and practice, and yet both ?cure? most diseases. And even the remedies used by physicians in any one school are not the same.

The Source of Health thus defines by Wallace Wattles is the same Source present in spontaneous healing, when a cancer tumor shrinks or disappears without the intervention of surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. And it is also the Source that makes the patient heal, whether he takes a pill, a grapefruit diet or lies in bed for a week. The healing occurs within the patient, as it proven by the Placebo effect. A placebo is the name given in the trial of a new drug, when a control group gets the new drug, which the other group gets a sugar pill, and the results are compared. It has been shown that often the sugar pill will have as much effect as the potent drug. How is that possible? Because the patient believes in the cure.

There are so many secrets to Health that we only now start to understand. Traditional medicine does not have the funds to finance research in this area, as it is subsidized by the pharmaceutical industry. However, this healing mechanism is present in all of us. I have put together for your education a Home Study Course based on Wallace Wattles The Science of Being Well. Visit . There, you will be introduced to the secrets of healing that can put you back on the road to health today.

These principles of health are eternal, but our tendency to rely on a quick fix and a pill from the doctor has obscured our own inner healing power. The Home Study Course opens the door for you to health and healing today. You owe this to yourself and your family to listen to it today!!!

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Natural Remedies article

Natural RemediesThe Integrity Diethow To Lose The Dead Weight In Your Life

Everywhere I turn, people are on some kind of a diet. Whether its Atkins or South Beach, people are obsessed with the right mix in their food choices to reach their ultimate weight. Of course, the most popular diets involve carbohydrates and proteins. The idea behind these diets is that foods are divided more or less into three categories:

ProteinsChicken breasts and salmon (all good)

Good CarbsWhole grains and leafy vegetables (necessary, but in moderation)

Bad CarbsBreads, pizza crusts, and pastas (avoid these unless you want to stay overweight).

Its a structure that also applies pretty well to the people that surround us.

People Proteins

We all know our proteins. These are the people who bring out the best in us and give us energy and support, reinforce our drive to achieve, and help us grow personally and professionally. These can include our mentors, our most unconditionally supportive or inspirational friends, our spouses and partners, and our children.

Good Carb People

The good carbs may be the trickiest to identify. These can be friends and associates who are generally good influences, and provide useful help, but may be best experienced in small doses. Maybe these are loyal colleagues who provide useful support at work but maybe they lack the same drive we do. Or they can be good friends who care about us and are always there to lend an ear or can always be counted on the make us laugh, but may have a few bad habits we dont want to rub off on us.

You cant and shouldnt get rid of good carbs, since they do provide some value in your life, but you have to be careful not to spend too much time with them or rely on them too heavily.

Bad Carb People

Of course, you can easily recognize the bad carbs in your life. These are the toxic people who waste our time, drain our energy, dampen our self-esteem or try to influence us in the wrong direction.

These are the friends who envy everything we achieve and posses, and try to undermine us, usually just at the moments when we are feeling good about what is going on in our lives. Have you ever heard a friend downplay a promotion (Well, you must not have had much competition) or try to make us insecure about our appearance (So, you wore that to the interview and they still gave you the job?) Too often, the underminers in our lives are old friends who we have tolerated out of a misplacedand unreciprocatedsense of loyalty. And sadly, sometimes they are family members. If you want to investigate this further, check out the new book The The Underminer: The Best Friend Who Casually Destroys Your Life by Mike Albo and Virginia Heffernan.

Other bad carbs include toxic co-workers. You know these people, the ones who never have a kind word to say about anyone, especially if they are in management, and spend more time complaining about work that actually working. These are the people leaning against your office door, looking to waste time and gossip when you want to hit an important deadline. These are the peers who only call you when they have a problem, and take up long lunches talking only of themselves and their woes. These are the unhappy, self-absorbed, tiresome people that we always wonder why we tolerate. When was the last time one of your bad carb friends asked about you and actually listened to the answer?

How to Lose Dead WeightThe Integrity Diet

If you can go on a low-carb diet to lose weight, why not do the same with the people you surround yourself with? Go on an integrity diet and rid yourself of the bad carbs in your life. It isnt easy to give up pizza, pasta and doughnuts. And it isnt easy to look a longtime friend in the eye and say you do not want them to be a part of your life any longer. But the best part is, while you might miss pizza, you will never miss a toxic friend.

To get you started on your Integrity Diet, try the following:

Make a list of the important people in your lives.

Divide them into proteins, good and bad carbs.

Make an effort to strengthen your relationship with the proteinsthe people who inspire you, energize you and make you happy.

Enjoy the good carbs in moderation.

Minimize your time with the bad carbs.

Remember to pay special attention to the bad carbs. Eliminating them will not be easy or pleasant, but the positive results in your emotional and professional lives will appear as fast as the pounds shed when you say goodbye to white bread, French fries and cupcakes.

You can eat all the protein in the world, but if you keep taking in the bad carbs, you wont get the results you ultimately want.

And be sure to let us know how much dead weight you lose in the next thirty days!

About The Author

Jim Jenkins
President and Chief Inspiration Officer

With more than twenty years of corporate experience and coaching success, Jim Jenkins is following his destiny: to inspire others to live up to their full potential.

In doing so, he has worked with many businesses and individuals in achieving and sustaining success.

Jim works with clients to help them determine their goals...what and who they want to be. Whether it's working with entire companies, organizational teams or individuals, Jim's goal is to have clients refocus and experience new ways of seeing, thinking and doing. His mission is to help clients achieve long-term success in todays volatile marketplace.

Naturally Green Blog - General Health
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Lets talk about Hemp Deodorant

Hemp DeodorantDifferent Types of Health Insurance Explained

Health is the biggest and most crucial asset of every living being. An unhealthy animal and individual can never truly experience any joy. It is the wealth of health that provides the requisite potential to topple over all odds and to move ahead with life. So such an essential part of a person's life demands extra care and concern. An ideal way to secure an individual's prized possession for him and for those who love him is a health insurance policy.

A health insurance policy is meant to financially assist a person in case there occurs a setback to his health. For instance he is afflicted by some grave disease, meets an accident, becomes handicapped etc. In order to provide complete service and for the all round development of the individual the health care system of America offers ample of options or different types of health insurance for its citizens. Some of these are explained below:

* Preferred Provider Organization or PPO is a discount form of health insurance policy. PPO has a complete network of health care providers from hospitals to doctors. If an individual has taken PPO policy and takes treatment from any of these assigned providers, the PPO covers his complete medical treatment. While if the person takes recourse to some other doctor or institution, he gets served at a reduced rate. PPO's thus facilitate medical services at abridged rates.

* One immensely cheap form of health insurance is the catastrophic health insurance. This sort of policy is basically meant for the people who have the financial means to manage regular illnesses and hospitalizations. The deductibles i.e. the sum of money an individual for these policies are quite large for this policy. At times there are caps on the amount the policy will pay in case of illness.

* A Short term health insurance policy is akin to a life insurance policy in the sense that both can be adopted for a specific tenure. This policy covers catastrophic to comprehensive cases and excludes the situation of pregnancy and childbirth. Quite often it is hard to qualify for these policies as there are strict conditions or qualifying procedures. Moreover these policies may not cover any pre-existing medical conditions.

* HMOs or the Health Maintenance Organizations also offer health insurane t significantly lower premiums. But the disadvantage is that they confine the sources a person may seek in non-exigency situations. HMOs do not cover the precautionary measures such as immunization, mammograms and physicals. There are quite a few issues associated with the HMOs. For instance it is believed that doctors receive financial perks for deducting the cost of medical services to patients. One way to do this is to pay monthly fee to the doctor for each patient despite of delving in to the issues of what treatment the latter one needs.

* There are also full-service health insurances. The lucrative feature of these policies is that they cover all sort of illnesses, cover any medical treatment the patient takes regardless of the institution or doctor and the deductibles are at the discretion of the policyholder. He may pay a high or a low one.

* Medicare or Medicaid insurances are meant for the retired or the low-income individuals.

About the Author

Mansi gupta writes about affordable health insurance quote .

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