Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Holistic Remedies Info

Holistic RemediesYour Dog's Dental Health and Teeth Brushing


Your Dog's Dental Health & Teeth Brushing

Submitted By: Miss Debra Rae

Your dog?s dental care is an important part of a healthy and longer life. If your dog isn't a rawhide bone chewer, eats a lot of soft food or just has tarter buildup, brushing your dog's teeth is probably a good idea. It?s been shown that an unhealthy mouth can lead to other physical problems and brushing your dog?s teeth is simply a training process.

If you're dog doesn't chew regularly on carrots or other teeth cleaning treats and toys, then the nasty tarter and gingivitis demons are moving in. Then there?s gum disease, tooth loss, pain and really raunchy breath. It's all ugly.

Buy your dog a tooth brush (the finger kind is easiest) with flavored doggie toothpaste. Don't use human paste... These will only create mouth and gum problems and could make your dog really sick.

To begin the training, just sit with your dog and gently rub their outside cheeks with your finger for a few seconds or minutes depending on how your dog responds. It?s best to do this when your dog is relaxed and more likely to have little objection. Have these rubbing sessions 2, 3, or 4 times. Every dog is different. Dalai Lama dog only needs 2 or 3 rubbing sessions and hurricane, frantic or anxious dog needs 5, 6 or 7 sessions. Whatever it is, it's fine. Be sure to praise your dog after they have allowed this rubbing session whether it?s lasted 3 seconds or 3 minutes. .

Once your dog is comfortable with the outside lip rubbing, put a little doggie toothpaste on your finger and let them take a taste. Usually they like it. Fortunately, you've purchased the flavored paste because you're an informed human. Once your dog has lapped up the toothpaste, praise them for a job well done. Lots of petting and positive reinforcement is how training works.

Your next session will be with the toothbrush and toothpaste together. Put a little dog toothpaste on the toothbrush and gently rub 1-2 teeth in a very slow circular motion (be sure to include the gum area). Be very gentle. Remember this is new and you?re still in training. Be sure to praise again with lots of positive reinforcement. Continue to brush daily adding 1-2 teeth each session.

It's very important to pay close attention to your dogs energy while tooth brush training. Stop the brushing session before your dog starts to squirm. This prevents an aversion to the training. Always remember after each session, no matter how long, to praise your dog for doing what you?ve asked of them.

Over the next several days, continue your training sessions, praising all the time and before you know it, you?re brushing all your dog?s teeth. Brush for about 30 seconds on each side. You only need to brush the outside of the teeth because dog tarter does not flourish on inside teeth.

Remember to praise and to use positive reinforcement every time you brush your dog?s teeth. Even after the training is complete and your dog is a superstar at teeth brushing time. Your dog lives to please you and a loving pat on their head, a chest or belly rub along with a ?good boy/goodgirl? brings a smile to their furry canine face.

Good dental hygiene for your dog has been shown to help prolong life and can reduce your Veterinary bills. If you have questions regarding your dog?s dental health, talk with your Veterinarian or Veterinary Technician.

About the Author:

Miss Rae has been a poet & writer since college at UW, class of 1996. Visit her site for all your dog?s needs from training programs to nutrition to choosing a vet & books galore. Visit Good

Article Tags: dog, teeth, training

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Healing discussion

HealingNatural Health Remedy - Feel Better More Quickly

Being ill and feeling run down all the time is not the best way to enhance your productivity at work and your energy at home. The reality of this situation is that many people suffer from fatigue and don't know that there is a simple remedy for it. When your body does not receive the correct amounts of the proper nutrients, it cannot carry out its everyday functions properly. This is often caused by a lack of vital nutrients in the body.

In the meantime, you are expecting all kinds of things from your body. You might want it to deliver, but your inputs are just not creating the right outputs. Feeling lethargic, with a lack of energy and stamina is a sure sign of loss of natural nutrients in the body.

Many natural health remedies will help you fight all these issues with which your body is faced. A natural health regimen will incorporate the right eating habits, which means your body will get the right food to help you keep fatigue and lethargy at bay.

Natural health remedies come in many forms; these can be natural health products for internal and external use, natural health medicine or natural health tonics. As a consumer, you have a number of options. You should start with one product, build a regimen, and then move on to the next.

A natural health remedy can also involve using natural health products to help you keep your body as healthy as you possibly can. Natural health remedies will help you maintain wellness, not simply treat the symptoms, as is the case in most of modern American medicine.

Your body is like a car. It needs the right fuel, in the proper amounts, so that it can keep running at maximum performance. Natural health remedies will give you a helping and natural advantage in all the little everyday ailments that you are faced with. As a consumer, you have a number of options. You should start with one product, build a regimen and view the results, and then move on to the next.

In addition to using natural health remedies, you should also learn what to eat and in what proportions, so you can prevent stress and fatigue. Changing your diet will have benefits that last beyond the day or the week; changing your diet will have a lifelong impact on your energy level and productivity.

Many of the natural health remedies are praised for their fast and effective means of dealing with many of today's ailments. Their long history is something that cannot be denied. Chinese herbal medicine has been around for centuries, and in the Western world, folk medicine is being proven by modern science to be based in fact. No longer is folk medicine viewed as an archaic tradition from the hill country of the Southern states. It is joining the mainstream of modern America because people are sick and tired of not only the cost of pharmaceuticals, but because many feel that doctors are simply "throwing" medicine at a problem instead of finding a cure.

My own experience is an example of this. After knee surgery 3 years ago, I developed serious allergies that caused me to break out in hives on a daily basis. Nothing a prominent allergist or my family doctor has done can find the reason for these daily attacks, yet they "keep me going" by prescribing huge doses of Allegra and Tagamet. Out of pocket expenses for these medications, if I did not have co-pay, would be outrageous.

This experience has caused me to become interested in natural herbal remedies and all things related to natural medicine. My quest for a cure has begun with research. I have developed a website, , to address the issues facing people today who are seeking answers.

The website is designed to be interactive, with a form on the home page designed for the reader to ask for more information and to give suggestions for topics. I urge everyone interested in natural herbal remedies to visit today, and leave your feedback.

About the Author

Alden Smith is a published and award winning author who has built the website to inform and educate the person wishing to learn more about natural remedies. He has spent time in the countries of China, Japan, Viet Nam and the Far East, and is an accomplished martial artist who now focuses primarily on healing and cures in the traditional naturopathy way.

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1) Consume increasing amounts of fresh, whole organically grown fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts;

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