Saturday, December 06, 2008

Recent information on Energy food

How to End This Year on a High!

Tue, 02 Dec 2008 11:53:28 EST
Are you looking forward to the New Year or are you bogged down with unfinished tasks from this year? No matter what sort of year you have had, you still have the opportunity to end this year on a hig...

E-Board approves Ore. energy assistance -

Sat, 06 Dec 2008 05:25:41 GMT

E-Board approves Ore. energy assistance, OR - 14 hours ago
Nancy Nathanson of Eugene says the federal grant for home heating will allow some families to afford to buy food and medicine and reduce the burden on ...

How Low Has The Economy Sunk? - NPR

Sat, 06 Dec 2008 14:03:59 GMT


How Low Has The Economy Sunk?
NPR - 6 hours ago
Over the year, wages have grown 3.7 percent, but paychecks haven't stretched that far because of high prices for energy, food and other items. ...
Bush: Protect taxpayers in auto bailout
all 13 news articles

Monster that grew in our midst - News of World

Sat, 29 Nov 2008 22:29:00 GMT
Last week an Opposition MP was arrested as 20 anti-terror officers stripped his home and office bare - in a LEAK inquiry. And this tells you everything you need to know about the ...


Recent information on Hoodia Gordonii

能抑制食欲的减肥食品 - 新民晚报

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 07:27:04 GMT


新民晚报, China - Nov 30, 2008
他们发现在南非的土著部落中的人们,经常咬一种叫火地亚果同尼(Hoodia Gordonii)的植物来抵挡饥饿。公司就用这种植物的提取液来作试验。结果受试人员在吃了提取液 ...
小心这样减肥让你越来越胖(组图)(5) 新浪网
all 2 news articles

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